From Manuscript to (e)Book: Your Self-Publishing Adventure Guide


You’ve written a story or non-fiction book that you want to share with the world, but where can you find a good editor and cover designer? How do you format your book for print or the Kindle store? How do you get your book into Barnes & Noble? Should you use paid advertising to get the word out about your book? What about social media?

When I wanted to publish my first book, I was filled with questions, too. Now I have eight books under my belt and more on the way. Here at Self-Publishing Adventure, I answer common questions about self-publishing and share my experiences.

If you’re wondering how to transform your manuscript into a print or eBook, you’ll want to visit the Book Publishing section.

Interested in how to get your book into online bookstores like Amazon? Visit the Book Distribution section.

You’ll find ideas for how to tell people about your book in the Book Promotion section.

The Book Business section covers topics related to the business of self-publishing, such as copyright and setting up a company.

If you’re Canadian, or another non-US author, visit the Canadian Corner. Since I’m a Canadian self-publisher, I often write about topics that are of particular interest to Canadians. Many of them also apply to other international authors.

Enjoy your visit!